Learn How to Report a Stolen Car in NZ – Quick Steps

how to report a stolen car nz

Reporting a stolen car can be a distressing experience, but knowing the right steps to take can help you navigate the process effectively. In New Zealand, the NZ Police provides a user-friendly online platform called 105.police.govt.nz where you can report a stolen car and provide all the necessary information. By following a few simple steps, you can ensure that your report is filed accurately and promptly. Here’s what you need to know:

Key Takeaways:

  • Use the online platform 105.police.govt.nz to report a stolen car in New Zealand.
  • After submitting a report, you will receive a reference number for future communication with the police.
  • Check the Stolen/Missing/Wanted listings on the website to see if your vehicle has been reported as stolen.
  • If there is immediate danger or risk to people or property, contact 105 or emergency services.
  • Inform your insurance company about the theft and keep a record of the police report reference number.

Reporting a Stolen Car Online

When your car is stolen, it’s essential to report the incident as soon as possible. In New Zealand, reporting a stolen car online is a convenient option that allows you to provide all the necessary details about the stolen vehicle. By visiting the official website, 105.police.govt.nz, you can access the stolen car report form and begin the process.

If you prefer to speak to someone directly, you can also call the stolen car hotline for immediate assistance. The hotline is staffed by knowledgeable professionals who can guide you through the reporting process and address any concerns you may have.

Once you have filed the report, the police will initiate an investigation and take the necessary actions to recover your stolen car. It’s important to provide them with any updates or additional information that may aid in their efforts.

stolen car report form nz

How to Report a Stolen Car Online:

  1. Visit the official website, 105.police.govt.nz, or call the stolen car hotline for immediate assistance.
  2. Fill out the stolen car report form with accurate and detailed information about your stolen vehicle.
  3. Provide any additional updates or information to the police as the investigation progresses.
  4. Cooperate fully with the police and follow any instructions they provide.

When and How to Contact 105

If you need to report a stolen car in New Zealand, it is important to know when and how to contact 105. The 105 helpline is available for non-emergency situations where there is no immediate danger, serious risk to people or property, and the crime is not still in progress. To contact 105, you can call from your landline or mobile phone. If you are unable to get through, you can also report the stolen car online at 105.police.govt.nz or call 0800 105 105.

When reporting a stolen car, providing accurate and detailed information is crucial. Be prepared to provide the make, model, color, license plate number, and any distinguishing features of the stolen vehicle. You should also have your personal contact information ready, including your name, address, and phone number. The police will guide you on the next steps to take after you have made a report.

If you have already reported the stolen car and need to provide additional information or request an update, you can use the reference number provided to you when you made the initial report. This reference number allows you to communicate with the police regarding your case and provide any new information that may aid in the investigation.

report stolen car to police nz

Gathering the necessary information

When you contact 105 to report a stolen car, it is important to gather all the necessary information beforehand. This will help ensure that your report is accurate and thorough. Here are some key details to collect:

  1. Make, model, and color of the stolen vehicle
  2. License plate number
  3. Distinguishing features of the car
  4. Your personal contact information (name, address, phone number)

By having this information ready, you can streamline the reporting process and provide the police with the necessary details to assist in their investigation.

Reporting Other Non-Emergency Situations

In addition to reporting a stolen car, the online platform 105.police.govt.nz allows you to report various other non-emergency situations. This includes reporting lost items such as wallets or phones, suspected shoplifting, scams, and drug dealing. You can also add information to an existing police report or contact your local police station for assistance. The website provides comprehensive information on how to report different types of crimes and incidents.

Types of Non-Emergency Situations

When using the 105 platform, you can report a range of non-emergency situations to the New Zealand police. Here are some examples:

  • Lost or stolen items: If you have lost your wallet, phone, or any other valuables, you can report it online on the 105 platform.
  • Suspected shoplifting: If you witness or suspect shoplifting in a store, you can report it to the police for further investigation.
  • Scams: If you have been targeted by a scam, such as online fraud or phone scams, you can report it to help prevent others from falling victim.
  • Drug dealing: If you have information about drug dealing activities in your area, you can report it anonymously through the 105 platform.

Remember, it is important to provide accurate and detailed information when reporting any non-emergency situation. This will assist the police in their investigation and help them take appropriate action.

If your situation is not listed on the website or if you need immediate assistance, you can always contact your local police station by phone. They will provide guidance and support based on the nature of your report.

Steps to Take After Reporting a Stolen Car

After reporting a stolen car in New Zealand, there are several important steps to take. Firstly, it is crucial to inform your insurance company about the theft. Provide them with all the necessary details, including the police report reference number. This will help them guide you through the insurance claim process and determine the coverage for your stolen vehicle. It is important to act swiftly and follow any instructions provided by your insurance provider.

Additionally, it is recommended to keep a record of the police report reference number for future reference. This number serves as proof that you have reported the stolen car and can be helpful in case any updates or new information arises. By having this reference number readily available, you can communicate effectively with the police and insurance company, ensuring a smooth process.

In the event that your stolen car is recovered, it is crucial to notify the police immediately. Provide them with any updates or new information regarding the recovery of your vehicle. The police will initiate the necessary actions to retrieve your stolen car and reunite it with you. By promptly informing the police about the recovery, you can expedite the process and increase the chances of successfully retrieving and returning your car.

Steps to Take After Reporting a Stolen Car
Inform your insurance company about the theft and provide them with the necessary details.
Keep a record of the police report reference number for future reference.
If your stolen car is recovered, notify the police immediately and provide them with any updates and information.

Expert Tip:

It is advisable to document any damage or changes to your stolen vehicle in detail. Take photographs or videos if possible. This information can be crucial for insurance claims and will help support your case.

By following these steps, you can ensure that the necessary parties are informed and involved in the process of recovering your stolen car. Acting promptly and providing accurate information will help expedite the investigations and increase the chances of retrieving your vehicle.

Tips for Preventing Car Theft

Protecting your car from theft is essential to ensure its safety and prevent potential financial loss. By following these simple tips, you can greatly reduce the risk of your car being stolen:

  • Lock your car: Always remember to lock your car, even if you are leaving it unattended for just a few minutes. This simple step can deter potential thieves and make it more difficult for them to access your vehicle.
  • Choose well-lit parking areas: When parking your car, opt for well-lit areas that are highly visible to others. This not only reduces the chances of someone attempting to steal your car but also increases the likelihood of witnesses noticing suspicious activity.
  • Keep valuables out of sight: Avoid leaving valuable items, such as purses, wallets, or electronics, in plain sight inside your car. Stashing them away in the trunk or taking them with you helps prevent tempting potential thieves.
  • Install anti-theft devices: Consider installing anti-theft devices, such as immobilizers or steering wheel locks, to provide an extra layer of security for your vehicle. These devices make it more challenging for thieves to start or steal your car.
  • Use a GPS tracking system: Utilizing a GPS tracking system can help you locate your car in the unfortunate event that it gets stolen. These systems provide real-time location updates, making it easier for law enforcement to recover your vehicle.

By implementing these preventive measures, you can significantly reduce the risk of car theft and protect your valuable asset.

“Lock your car, choose well-lit parking areas, keep valuables out of sight, install anti-theft devices, and use a GPS tracking system to minimize the risk of car theft.”

Statistics on Car Theft in New Zealand

To further emphasize the importance of car theft prevention, let’s take a look at some statistics on car theft in New Zealand:

Year Number of Reported Stolen Cars
2017 11,115
2018 10,621
2019 9,794
2020 8,926

These numbers highlight a positive trend, showing a declining trend in reported stolen cars over the past few years. However, it is crucial to remain vigilant and take the necessary precautions to ensure the safety of your vehicle.

Remember, by following these tips and staying proactive, you can significantly reduce the risk of falling victim to car theft in New Zealand. Don’t let your guard down and prioritize the safety and security of your car.


Overall, reporting a stolen car in New Zealand is a simple and efficient process. By utilizing the police’s 105 online platform, you can provide the necessary information to initiate an investigation and potentially recover your stolen vehicle. Remember to keep the police report reference number for future reference and promptly notify your insurance company about the theft.

However, it’s also important to take preventive measures to reduce the risk of car theft in the first place. Always lock your car, park in well-lit areas, and avoid leaving valuable items visible inside. Installing anti-theft devices and GPS tracking systems can further enhance the security of your vehicle.

By being proactive and following these guidelines, you can play a crucial role in combating car theft and protecting your property. Stay vigilant, report any suspicious activities to the authorities, and take the necessary precautions to ensure your peace of mind.


How do I report a stolen car in New Zealand?

To report a stolen car in New Zealand, you can use the online platform 105.police.govt.nz. This platform allows you to report situations that do not require immediate police or emergency services attendance. After submitting a report, you will be given a reference number that you can use to provide additional information, request an update from the police, or even withdraw your report. Additionally, you can check the Stolen/Missing/Wanted listings on the website to see if your vehicle has been reported as stolen.

Can I report a stolen car online in New Zealand?

Yes, reporting a stolen car online is a convenient option in New Zealand. By visiting 105.police.govt.nz, you can access the stolen car report form and provide all the necessary details about the stolen vehicle. If you prefer to speak to someone directly, you can also call the stolen car hotline for immediate assistance. Once the report is filed, the police will begin investigating the case and take necessary actions to recover the stolen car.

How can I contact 105 to report a stolen car in New Zealand?

If you need to report a stolen car in New Zealand, you should contact 105 if there is no immediate danger, serious risk to people or property, and the crime is not still in progress. You can call 105 from your landline or mobile phone. If you are unable to get through, you can also report the stolen car online at 105.police.govt.nz or call 0800 105 105. The police will provide guidance on the next steps to take.

What other non-emergency situations can I report on the 105 platform?

In addition to reporting a stolen car, the online platform 105.police.govt.nz allows you to report various other non-emergency situations. This includes reporting lost items such as wallets or phones, suspected shoplifting, scams, and drug dealing. You can also add information to an existing police report or contact your local police station for assistance. The website provides comprehensive information on how to report different types of crimes and incidents.

What steps should I take after reporting a stolen car in New Zealand?

After reporting a stolen car in New Zealand, there are a few important steps you should take. Firstly, inform your insurance company about the theft and provide them with the necessary details. They will guide you on how to proceed with your insurance claim. It is also recommended to keep a record of the police report reference number for future reference. If your stolen car is recovered, notify the police immediately and provide them with any updates and information.

How can I minimize the risk of car theft?

To minimize the risk of car theft, there are several measures you can take. Always lock your car and ensure the windows are closed. Park in well-lit areas and avoid leaving valuables in plain sight. Install an anti-theft device such as an immobilizer or steering wheel lock. Additionally, consider using a GPS tracking system to help locate your vehicle in case it gets stolen. By following these precautions, you can protect your car and reduce the chances of it being stolen.

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