Understanding How Old to Drive a Courtesy Car in NZ

how old to drive a courtesy car in nz

In order to drive a courtesy car in New Zealand, you need to meet certain age requirements. According to Acorn Rentals, the minimum age to drive a courtesy car is 18 years old. However, if you are between the ages of 18 and 21, you may only have access to small or medium class courtesy cars. Additionally, you must hold a provisional or full driver’s license, and both Australian and valid overseas licenses are accepted. Learner’s permits are not eligible for driving a courtesy car.

Key Takeaways:

  • The minimum age to drive a courtesy car in New Zealand is 18 years old.
  • Drivers between the ages of 18 and 21 may have limited car options.
  • A provisional or full driver’s license is required to drive a courtesy car in NZ.
  • Australian and valid overseas licenses are accepted.
  • Learner’s permits are not eligible for driving a courtesy car.

How Long Can You Keep a Courtesy Car?

When it comes to renting a courtesy car, one of the main concerns for drivers is how long they can keep it. The duration of time you can keep a courtesy car depends on the specific circumstances surrounding your situation.

If your own car is repairable and you have arranged for the necessary repairs, you may be able to keep the courtesy car for the duration of the repair process. This can range from just a day or two for minor repairs to several weeks or even a month for more extensive damage.

On the other hand, if your car is deemed a total loss and you have lodged an insurance claim with the other driver’s insurer, you can typically keep the courtesy car until the claim is settled. This means that you can continue driving the rental car for as long as it takes to reach a resolution with the insurance company.

However, if you are claiming insurance from your own insurer, there may be a time limit on the rental car. In most cases, you can drive the courtesy car until the claim is settled or for a maximum of 10 working days, whichever comes first. It’s important to check with your insurance provider for specific details regarding the duration of coverage for the courtesy car.

Scenario Duration of Courtesy Car
Repairable Car Until the repairs are completed
Total Loss with Other Driver’s Insurance Claim Until the claim is settled
Total Loss with Own Insurance Claim Up to 10 working days or until the claim is settled

It’s important to note that when you take possession of a courtesy car, it will come with comprehensive insurance coverage. However, there may be an excess fee associated with any damages or accidents that occur during your rental period. This means that you may be responsible for paying a certain amount towards repairs or replacements, typically around $385.00. Be sure to review the terms and conditions of your rental agreement to understand your obligations and any potential costs that may arise.

Who Can Drive a Courtesy Car?

When it comes to driving a courtesy car in New Zealand, there are certain eligibility requirements you need to meet. The rental company sets age and license criteria to ensure the safety and compliance of all drivers. To rent and drive a courtesy car, you must be at least 18 years old and hold a valid driver’s license.

It’s important to note that if you are between the ages of 18 and 21, you may be limited to driving small or medium class courtesy cars. This restriction is in place to ensure that less experienced drivers are operating vehicles that are suitable for their skill level. However, drivers over the age of 21 have access to a wider range of courtesy car options.

When renting a courtesy car, it’s essential to have your driver’s license with you and present it to the rental company. They will verify the validity of your license before allowing you to drive the vehicle. It’s also worth mentioning that learners permits are not eligible for driving a courtesy car, so you must hold either a provisional or full driver’s license.

Eligibility Criteria Requirements
Minimum Age 18 years old
Age Limitation (18-21) Limited to small or medium class cars
Driver’s License Provisional or Full License
Learner’s Permit Not eligible

As long as you meet the age and license requirements, you can invite anyone to drive the courtesy car you have rented. This flexibility allows you to share the driving responsibilities and enjoy the journey with family or friends. However, it’s important to ensure that the additional drivers also meet the age and license criteria.

eligibility to drive a courtesy car

Driving a courtesy car in New Zealand provides convenience and flexibility, allowing you to explore the beautiful landscapes and attractions. By understanding the eligibility requirements and adhering to them, you can confidently rent and drive a courtesy car, creating memorable experiences during your time in New Zealand.

Driving in New Zealand: Rules and Regulations

When driving in New Zealand, it’s essential to familiarize yourself with the country’s driving rules and regulations. Here are some key points to keep in mind:

Driving on the Left-Hand Side of the Road

In New Zealand, people drive on the left-hand side of the road. This may be different from what you’re accustomed to, so it’s crucial to be mindful of this while driving to avoid any accidents or confusion.

Speed Limits

The speed limit in New Zealand varies depending on the type of road. In most city and urban areas, the speed limit is generally 50 kilometers per hour (approximately 31 miles per hour). On most other roads, the speed limit is 100 kilometers per hour (approximately 62 miles per hour). It’s important to adhere to the posted speed limits to ensure your safety and avoid any potential fines or penalties.

Driver’s License Requirements

If you plan on driving in New Zealand, you must have a valid driver’s license. If you have a current overseas driver’s license or an international driving permit, you can drive for up to one year after your arrival in New Zealand. However, if you don’t have an overseas license or international driving permit, you’ll need to apply for a New Zealand driver’s license before driving in the country.

License Type Duration
Current Overseas License or International Driving Permit Up to one year after arrival
No Overseas License or International Driving Permit Apply for a New Zealand driver’s license

By understanding and following these driving rules and regulations, you can have a safe and enjoyable experience while exploring New Zealand’s beautiful landscapes.

Reporting a Crime or Road Crash in New Zealand

If you witness a crime or are involved in a road crash in New Zealand, it is important to report the incident promptly. Reporting crime helps maintain the safety and security of the community, while reporting a road crash ensures appropriate legal and insurance procedures are followed. In case of an emergency, immediately call the New Zealand Police on 111, providing them with necessary details such as the location and description of the incident.

For non-emergency situations, you can report a crime online or contact the Police on 105. The police may request you to visit the crime scene or ask you to go to a nearby police station to make an official report. It is vital to cooperate with the police, providing them with accurate information and any evidence that can assist in resolving the crime or road crash.

If you witness a crime or are a victim of a crime, it is important to remember that your safety comes first. If you feel threatened or in immediate danger, remove yourself from the situation and call the police as soon as it is safe to do so.

Knowing the emergency contact numbers in New Zealand is essential. In case of a medical emergency, you can dial 111 for an ambulance. The New Zealand Fire Service can be reached at 111 for fire emergencies. It is important to keep these numbers readily accessible, especially when traveling or residing in New Zealand.

Emergency Contact Numbers in New Zealand

Emergency Service Phone Number
Police Emergency 111
Ambulance 111
Fire Service 111

Remember, reporting a crime or a road crash is an important step in ensuring the safety and well-being of yourself and others. By promptly reporting incidents and cooperating with the authorities, you contribute to a safer community and help facilitate the necessary legal and insurance processes.

What to Do in Case of a Car Crash

In the unfortunate event of a car crash in New Zealand, it is important to follow the proper procedures to ensure your safety and the wellbeing of others involved. Here are the necessary steps to take:

  1. Stop and assess the situation: Immediately after the collision, stop your vehicle and check for any injuries to yourself or others. If anyone is hurt, call 111 for emergency assistance right away.

  2. Report the crash to the police: Even if there are no injuries, it is essential to report the crash to the police within 24 hours. This can be done by visiting a local police station or by calling the non-emergency number provided by the police.

  3. Notify your insurance company: Contact your insurance company as soon as possible to report the incident. Provide them with all the necessary details, including the police file number, to expedite the insurance claims process.

  4. Protect your vehicle and personal belongings: If your car is not drivable after the crash, take measures to prevent further damage or loss. Secure your vehicle and remove any personal belongings. This will help ensure a smooth claims process and protect your belongings.

It is important to note that driving under the influence of alcohol is strictly prohibited in New Zealand. Always prioritize the safety of yourself and others by refraining from drinking and driving. Additionally, seatbelt usage is mandatory for all occupants of a vehicle, so be sure to buckle up for your own protection.

“In case of a car crash, always remember to remain calm and follow the necessary procedures. Reporting the incident to the police and your insurance company promptly is crucial for a timely resolution. Safety should be your top priority, so never drive under the influence and always wear your seatbelt.”


In summary, the age requirements for driving a courtesy car in New Zealand are an important consideration. The minimum age to drive a courtesy car is 18 years old, with some limitations for drivers between the ages of 18 and 21. It is crucial to hold a valid driver’s license and comply with the driving regulations in New Zealand.

Additionally, in the event of a car crash, it is essential to follow the proper procedures. This includes reporting the incident to the police within 24 hours, notifying your insurance company, and providing them with the necessary information. It is also important to note that driving after consuming alcohol is strictly prohibited, and wearing your seatbelt is mandatory in New Zealand.

By being informed and responsible, you can confidently navigate New Zealand’s driving regulations and enjoy a safe and enjoyable journey. Remember to always prioritize the safety of yourself and others on the road.


What is the minimum age to drive a courtesy car in New Zealand?

The minimum age to drive a courtesy car in New Zealand is 18 years old.

Are there any restrictions for drivers between the ages of 18 and 21?

Yes, drivers between the ages of 18 and 21 may be limited to driving small or medium class courtesy cars.

What type of license do I need to drive a courtesy car in New Zealand?

You must hold a provisional or full driver’s license, and both Australian and valid overseas licenses are accepted.

Can I invite someone else to drive the courtesy car I have rented?

Yes, as long as the intended driver meets the age and license requirements, you are entitled to invite anyone to drive the courtesy car you have rented.

What are the speed limits in New Zealand?

The speed limit is generally 50 kilometers per hour on most city/urban roads and 100 kilometers per hour on most other roads.

How long can I keep a courtesy car if my own car is repairable?

You can keep the courtesy car for as long as it takes for the repairs to be completed, which could be anywhere from a day to a month.

What should I do in case of a car crash in New Zealand?

First, stop to see if anyone is injured or if there is any property damage. If people are hurt, call 111 for police and ambulance help. Even if there are no injuries, report the crash to the police within 24 hours and notify your insurance company.

How can I report a crime or road crash in New Zealand?

In emergency situations, call the New Zealand Police on 111. For non-emergency situations, you can report online or call the police on 105.

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