Guide: How to Keep Spiders Out of Car Mirrors in NZ

how to keep spiders out of car mirrors in nz

Spiders can be quite a nuisance when they decide to make your car mirrors their home. Not only can their webs obstruct your view while driving, but cleaning them up can be a hassle as well. If you’re in New Zealand and looking for effective ways to prevent spiders from infesting your car mirrors, look no further. In this guide, I’ll share some tips and methods to help you keep your car mirrors spider-free and ensure clear visibility on the road.

Key Takeaways:

  • Regularly clean and maintain your car mirrors to prevent spiders from building webs.
  • Use natural or commercial spider repellents to deter spiders from your mirrors.
  • Seal up any entry points in your car mirrors to keep spiders out.
  • Keep your car clean and clutter-free, as spiders are attracted to debris.
  • Inspect and clean your car mirrors frequently to ensure they remain spider-free.

Regular Cleaning and Maintenance

Keeping your car mirrors clean is an essential step in preventing spiders from infesting them. By regularly inspecting and cleaning your car mirrors, you can remove any existing spider webs and deter spiders from building new ones. Here are some tips for effective cleaning and maintenance:

  • Inspect your car mirrors frequently for any signs of spider webs. Use a flashlight if necessary to check for hidden webs.
  • Gently remove any spider webs you find using a soft cloth or a brush. Be careful not to damage the mirror surface.
  • Wipe down the mirrors with a mild cleaning solution to remove any residual spider silk or debris. Avoid using harsh chemicals that may damage the mirror.
  • Pay attention to the edges and corners of the mirrors, as spiders are more likely to build their webs in these areas.

Regular cleaning not only keeps spiders away but also ensures clear visibility while driving. By incorporating this simple maintenance routine into your car care routine, you can effectively prevent spider infestations in your car mirrors.

Regular cleaning and maintenance of car mirrors is essential to keep spiders away and ensure clear visibility while driving.

Table: Recommended Cleaning Products

Product Description
Glass cleaner A gentle glass cleaner formulated for automotive use can effectively remove spider silk and debris from car mirrors.
Vinegar solution A mixture of vinegar and water can be used as a natural cleaning solution to dissolve spider silk and remove residues.
Mild soap A mild soap solution can be used to clean car mirrors without causing damage to the mirror surface.
Microfiber cloth A soft, lint-free microfiber cloth is ideal for wiping down car mirrors and removing spider webs.
Soft brush A soft-bristled brush can be used to gently remove spider webs from the corners and edges of car mirrors.

Using Spider Repellents

When it comes to keeping spiders away from your car mirrors, spider repellents can be a useful tool. There are various options available, including natural remedies, commercial products, and even DIY solutions.

Natural Spider Repellents

Natural spider repellents can be an effective and eco-friendly way to deter spiders from your car mirrors. Some common natural options include peppermint oil, vinegar, and citrus peels.

To create a DIY spider repellent spray, mix a few drops of peppermint oil or vinegar with water in a spray bottle. Spray this mixture onto your car mirrors to create a scent that spiders dislike. Alternatively, you can rub citrus peels directly onto the mirrors, as the strong smell can repel spiders.

Commercial Spider Repellents

If you prefer a ready-made solution, there are various commercial spider repellents available in the market. These products are specifically designed to repel spiders and can be easily applied to your car mirrors.

When using commercial spider repellents, make sure to follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer. Apply the repellent evenly onto your car mirrors and reapply as necessary to maintain its effectiveness.

Spider Repellent Benefits Drawbacks
Peppermint oil Natural and eco-friendly May need frequent reapplication
Vinegar Readily available and affordable Strong smell that may linger
Commercial repellents Convenient and effective Can contain chemicals

By using spider repellents, whether natural or commercial, you can create an environment that spiders find unpleasant and discourage them from making their home in your car mirrors.

natural spider repellent

Remember to regularly inspect your car mirrors for any signs of spider activity and reapply the repellents as needed. Combined with other preventive measures such as regular cleaning and sealing up entry points, using spider repellents can significantly reduce the chances of spider infestations in your car mirrors.

Sealing Up Entry Points

One effective method to keep spiders out of your car mirrors is to seal up any entry points in the car mirror housing. Spiders can enter through small gaps and cracks, so it’s important to identify these areas and take action to prevent their entry. By sealing up these entry points, you can effectively create a barrier that spiders cannot penetrate.

To seal up the gaps and cracks in your car mirror housing, you can use silicone sealant or weatherstripping. Apply the sealant or weatherstripping along the edges where the mirror attaches to the car body, ensuring a tight seal. This will prevent spiders from finding a way inside. Pay attention to any other visible gaps or cracks and seal them as well.

By sealing up the entry points in your car mirrors, you create a physical barrier that spiders cannot easily cross. This will greatly reduce the chances of spiders infesting your car mirrors and building their webs.

Keeping your car mirrors spider-free not only improves visibility but also prevents the hassle of cleaning up spider webs. Take the necessary steps to seal up any entry points in your car mirror housing using silicone sealant or weatherstripping. By doing so, you can effectively keep spiders out and enjoy clear, unobstructed mirrors while driving.

Keeping Your Car Clean and Clutter-Free

One of the key factors in preventing spider infestations in your car mirrors is maintaining a clean and clutter-free vehicle. Spiders are attracted to debris and clutter, so taking steps to keep your car clean can significantly reduce the chances of them making their home in your mirrors. Here are some essential tips to help you maintain a clean and clutter-free car:

  • Regularly remove any debris or trash from your car, paying close attention to the areas around your car mirrors. Use a handheld vacuum or a brush to remove any loose dirt or dust.
  • Make it a habit to vacuum the interior of your car on a regular basis. This will help eliminate any spider eggs or webs that may be present.
  • Consider investing in car organizers or storage bins to keep your belongings organized and prevent clutter from accumulating. Keeping your car organized will also make it easier to clean.
  • Store your car in a garage whenever possible. Parking your car in a garage provides an extra layer of protection against spiders and other pests.

By adopting these habits and keeping your car clean and clutter-free, you can significantly reduce the likelihood of spiders infesting your car mirrors and ensure clear visibility while driving.

Benefits of a Clean and Clutter-Free Car
1. Reduced chance of spider infestations in car mirrors
2. Improved visibility while driving
3. Enhanced overall cleanliness and comfort
4. Prevention of other pest-related issues

“A clean and clutter-free car not only keeps spiders at bay but also provides a more pleasant driving experience.”


To keep spiders out of your car mirrors in NZ, it is important to follow a few key steps. Regular cleaning and maintenance play a crucial role in preventing spider infestations. Inspect your car mirrors frequently for spider webs and remove them using a soft cloth or brush. Wipe down the mirrors with a mild cleaning solution to ensure clear visibility while driving.

Using spider repellents can also be effective in deterring spiders from your car mirrors. Natural options such as peppermint oil, vinegar, and citrus peels can be used to make your own DIY spider repellent spray. Alternatively, commercial spider repellents are available in the market. Apply these repellents according to the instructions to keep spiders away from your car mirrors.

Sealing up entry points is another important step. Use silicone sealant or weatherstripping to seal any gaps and cracks where spiders can enter the car mirror housing. Pay special attention to the areas where the mirror attaches to the car body, as these are common entry points for spiders. By sealing up these entry points, you can effectively keep spiders out of your car mirrors.

Lastly, maintaining a clean and clutter-free car is essential. Spiders are attracted to clutter and debris, so make sure to remove any trash or debris from your car regularly. Vacuum the interior to eliminate any spider eggs or webs. Storing your car in a garage can also help minimize spider activity. By following these preventive measures, you can keep your car mirrors spider-free and enjoy a clear view on the road.


How often should I clean my car mirrors to prevent spider webs?

It is recommended to regularly clean your car mirrors and inspect them for any signs of spider webs. Cleaning them once a week or more frequently if necessary can help prevent spiders from building their webs on your mirrors and obstructing your view while driving.

Can I use regular household cleaning products to wipe down my car mirrors?

Yes, you can use mild cleaning solutions or window cleaners to wipe down your car mirrors. Avoid using harsh chemicals that may damage the mirror or the surrounding area. Always follow the instructions provided by the cleaning product manufacturer.

What are some natural spider repellents that I can use for my car mirrors?

Peppermint oil, vinegar, and citrus peels are effective natural spider repellents. Spiders dislike the strong scent of these substances. You can make a DIY spider repellent spray by mixing peppermint oil or vinegar with water and spraying it onto your car mirrors.

Are there any commercial spider repellents available in the market for car mirrors?

Yes, there are commercial spider repellents specifically designed for use in cars. These repellents come in the form of sprays or sachets and are available at auto supply stores or online. Follow the instructions provided by the product manufacturer for effective use.

How can I seal up the entry points in my car mirrors to prevent spiders?

You can use silicone sealant or weatherstripping to seal any gaps or cracks where spiders can enter the car mirror housing. Pay close attention to the areas where the mirror attaches to the car body, as these are common entry points for spiders.

Should I keep my car clutter-free to prevent spider infestations in the mirrors?

Yes, spiders are attracted to clutter and debris. It is important to keep your car clean and clutter-free to minimize the chances of spider infestations in your car mirrors. Remove any debris or trash regularly and vacuum the interior of your car to remove any spider eggs or webs.

Can storing my car in a garage help prevent spiders in the mirrors?

Yes, storing your car in a garage can help minimize spider activity. Spiders are less likely to infest your car mirrors if they are kept in a protected garage environment. If you don’t have access to a garage, you can consider using a car cover to provide some barrier against spiders.

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