Electric Supercars: Rimac C_Two vs Tesla Roadster

Rimac C_Two vs Tesla Roadster

When it comes to electric sports cars, Rimac C_Two and Tesla Roadster are two high-performance EVs that have been making waves in the automotive industry. These cutting-edge vehicles have been the subject of much anticipation and speculation as enthusiasts eagerly compare their specs, features, and technological advancements.

Rimac has recently released teaser videos showcasing the C_Two’s impressive capabilities. With an astonishing 0-60 mph acceleration time of 1.85 seconds, the C_Two outperforms Tesla’s next-generation Roadster. This electric hypercar boasts a 130 kW battery, delivering a staggering 1,914 horsepower and 2,300 ft-lbs of torque. Notably, it also includes facial recognition for vehicle access and is equipped with up to 400 sensors for Level 4 autonomy. Rimac plans to produce only 150 units of this extraordinary electric supercar.

Key Takeaways:

  • Rimac C_Two and Tesla Roadster are leading contenders in the electric sports car market, offering unparalleled performance and cutting-edge features.
  • The Rimac C_Two’s impressive 0-60 mph acceleration of 1.85 seconds outshines Tesla’s Roadster, setting a new benchmark in electric hypercar performance.
  • The C_Two comes equipped with a 130 kW battery, producing 1,914 horsepower and 2,300 ft-lbs of torque, demonstrating its remarkable power.
  • Rimac’s emphasis on advanced technology is evident with facial recognition for vehicle access and a robust sensor system for future autonomous capabilities.
  • Both Rimac C_Two and Tesla Roadster are driving innovation in the electric vehicle market and raising expectations for high-performance EVs.

Rimac C_Two: A High-Performance Electric Hypercar

The Rimac C_Two is an eagerly awaited high-performance electric hypercar that is set to revolutionize the automotive industry. With its extraordinary acceleration, impressive top speed, and cutting-edge features, the C_Two is a game-changer in the world of electric vehicles.

In terms of acceleration, the Rimac C_Two boasts a mind-blowing 0-60 mph time of just 1.85 seconds. This lightning-fast acceleration sets a new benchmark for high-performance electric cars. Its powerful electric drivetrain, combined with advanced engineering and aerodynamics, delivers an unparalleled driving experience that pushes the boundaries of what is possible with electric vehicles.

Beneath the C_Two’s sleek exterior lies a 130 kW battery, providing ample power for its impressive performance. With 1,914 horsepower and a staggering 2,300 ft-lbs of torque, the C_Two delivers exhilarating speed and effortless acceleration. Whether it’s conquering straightaways or maneuvering through tight corners, the C_Two is engineered to deliver an unforgettable driving experience.

Rimac has set an ambitious target for the production of the C_Two, planning to build 150 units of this extraordinary hypercar. This increase in production units from its predecessor demonstrates the growing demand for high-performance electric vehicles.

Table: Rimac C_Two Specifications

Acceleration (0-60 mph) Top Speed Battery Horsepower Torque Production Units
1.85 seconds Top speed yet to be announced 130 kW 1,914 hp 2,300 ft-lbs 150 units

The Rimac C_Two is not just about raw power and performance; it also incorporates advanced technologies and features that elevate the driving experience. From its futuristic design to its intelligent systems, the C_Two represents the pinnacle of automotive innovation.

As the automotive industry shifts towards electric vehicles, the Rimac C_Two is at the forefront of this transformation, showcasing the immense potential of high-performance electric hypercars. With its groundbreaking acceleration, impressive specs, and limited production, the C_Two stands as a symbol of technological progress and electric capability.

Tesla Roadster: The Next-Generation Electric Supercar

The Tesla Roadster is the highly anticipated next-generation electric supercar. It represents a significant leap forward in performance and technology, pushing the boundaries of what is possible with electric vehicles. Offering an exhilarating driving experience, the Roadster promises exceptional acceleration, impressive specs, and a sleek design.

At the heart of the Roadster’s appeal is its remarkable acceleration. The base model can go from 0-60 mph in just 1.9 seconds, making it one of the fastest production cars in the world. Its top speed surpasses 250 mph, cementing its status as a true supercar.

While the Roadster’s acceleration is impressive, it’s worth mentioning that the Rimac C_Two surpasses its 0-60 mph acceleration, clocking in at an astonishing 1.85 seconds. This head-to-head competition between these next-gen electric supercars highlights the fierce rivalry in the high-performance EV market.

When it comes to pricing, the Tesla Roadster offers both an enticing base model and an exclusive Founders’ Series variant. The base model is priced at $200,000, offering an extraordinary level of performance at a relatively accessible price point. For those seeking exclusivity, the Founders’ Series variant is priced at $250,000, featuring unique enhancements and limited production.

To summarize the key details:

Specification Tesla Roadster
Acceleration (0-60 mph) 1.9 seconds
Top Speed Over 250 mph
Base Model Price $200,000
Founders’ Series Price $250,000

With its stunning performance, cutting-edge technology, and competitive pricing, the Tesla Roadster is set to revolutionize the electric supercar segment. Eagerly anticipated by car enthusiasts worldwide, this next-gen electric supercar embodies Tesla’s commitment to pushing the boundaries of what electric vehicles can achieve.

Tesla Roadster

Performance Comparison: Rimac C_Two vs Tesla Roadster

When it comes to performance, the Rimac C_Two and the Tesla Roadster are both powerful electric supercars that push the limits of speed and acceleration. Let’s compare their key performance metrics:

Metric Rimac C_Two Tesla Roadster
0-60 mph Acceleration 1.85 seconds 1.9 seconds
Top Speed 258 mph Over 250 mph
Horsepower 1,914 hp 1,887 bhp
Torque 2,300 ft-lbs 10,000 Nm
Battery Size 130 kW 200 kW

The Rimac C_Two boasts an impressive 0-60 mph acceleration of 1.85 seconds, slightly faster than the Tesla Roadster’s 1.9 seconds. The C_Two also has a higher top speed of 258 mph, compared to the Roadster’s over 250 mph. In terms of horsepower, the Roadster falls just short with 1,887 bhp, while the C_Two revs up with a powerful 1,914 hp. However, when it comes to torque, the Roadster stands out with a whopping 10,000 Nm, surpassing the C_Two’s 2,300 ft-lbs. Lastly, the Roadster also has a larger battery size, with a capacity of 200 kW, compared to the C_Two’s 130 kW.

While the Rimac C_Two takes the lead in certain performance aspects, the Tesla Roadster holds its ground with impressive speed, acceleration, and torque. These two electric supercars offer phenomenal performance that exceeds expectations and push the boundaries of what electric vehicles can achieve.

Metric Rimac C_Two Tesla Roadster
0-60 mph Acceleration 1.85 seconds 1.9 seconds
Top Speed 258 mph Over 250 mph
Horsepower 1,914 hp 1,887 bhp
Torque 2,300 ft-lbs 10,000 Nm
Battery Size 130 kW 200 kW

Technological Advancements: Rimac C_Two vs Tesla Roadster

When it comes to technological advancements, both the Rimac C_Two and the Tesla Roadster are at the forefront of innovation in the electric supercar market. Each vehicle showcases unique features and capabilities that elevate the driving experience to new heights.

Facial Recognition and Access Controls

The Rimac C_Two incorporates advanced facial recognition technology, allowing drivers seamless access to their vehicle. By analyzing facial features, the C_Two intelligently recognizes authorized users, eliminating the need for traditional keys or key fobs. This innovative security measure adds convenience and enhances the overall ownership experience.

The Tesla Roadster, on the other hand, has not disclosed specific details regarding its access control system. However, based on Tesla’s previous models, it is likely that the Roadster will also feature advanced access controls, such as keyless entry or biometric authentication. While the exact implementation remains unknown, Tesla’s commitment to cutting-edge technology ensures a state-of-the-art user experience.

Autonomous Capabilities and Sensors

Both the Rimac C_Two and the Tesla Roadster are equipped with autonomous capabilities, paving the way for a future of self-driving experiences. The C_Two boasts a comprehensive sensor suite, comprising up to 400 sensors, which enables Level 4 autonomy. This advanced sensor network provides the necessary data for the C_Two to navigate and make informed decisions on the road.

The Tesla Roadster’s autonomous capabilities are also highly anticipated, although specific details have not been fully disclosed. Tesla’s Autopilot system, present in their existing models, demonstrates their commitment to autonomous driving. The Roadster is expected to leverage cutting-edge sensors and algorithms to achieve enhanced levels of autonomy and redefine the driving experience.

“The Rimac C_Two and the Tesla Roadster represent the forefront of technological advancements in the electric supercar market, with features like facial recognition and autonomous capabilities reshaping the way we interact with our vehicles.”

As technology continues to evolve, these advancements in facial recognition, autonomous capabilities, and sensor technology exemplify the ongoing race for innovation between the Rimac C_Two and the Tesla Roadster. Each vehicle pushes the boundaries of what is possible, driving the electric supercar industry forward.

Technological Advancements: Rimac C_Two vs Tesla Roadster

Market Impact: Rimac C_Two vs Tesla Roadster

The release of the Rimac C_Two and the Tesla Roadster is poised to have a significant impact on the electric vehicle market and the automotive industry as a whole. These high-performance electric supercars are not only attracting enthusiasts but also challenging the status quo and setting new standards for their competitors.

The advancements made by Rimac and Tesla in terms of acceleration, top speed, and technology are revolutionizing the electric sports car segment. With lightning-fast acceleration and impressive top speeds, these vehicles are reshaping the perception of electric cars and proving that they can compete with traditional combustion-powered vehicles in terms of performance.

The market impact of the Rimac C_Two and the Tesla Roadster reaches beyond just their respective brands. As these electric supercars gain popularity, they are driving further innovation and investment in the electric vehicle market. The automotive industry as a whole is recognizing the potential of electric vehicles and the demand for high-performance EVs, leading to increased competition and new players entering the market.

The Rimac C_Two and the Tesla Roadster are not just competing with each other; they are inspiring other automakers to develop their own electric supercars. This increased competition fosters innovation and pushes the boundaries of what is possible in the realm of electric vehicles.

As the electric vehicle market continues to grow, the market impact of the Rimac C_Two and the Tesla Roadster will be felt throughout the industry. These high-performance electric supercars are not just symbols of technological advancements but also catalysts for change, influencing the perception of electric vehicles and inspiring the development of more sustainable and powerful automotive options for consumers.

In this table, we compare the market impact of the Rimac C_Two and the Tesla Roadster:

Market Impact Factors Rimac C_Two Tesla Roadster
Acceleration 1.85 seconds (0-60 mph) 1.9 seconds (0-60 mph)
Top Speed 258 mph Over 250 mph
Technological Advancements Facial recognition, Level 4 autonomy Advanced autonomous capabilities
Competition and Innovation Inspiring other automakers Pushing competitors to develop their own electric supercars


In conclusion, the Rimac C_Two and the Tesla Roadster are two exceptional electric supercars that demonstrate the rapid advancement of electric vehicle technology. The C_Two offers impressive acceleration and cutting-edge features, setting a new standard for high-performance EVs. On the other hand, the Tesla Roadster showcases incredible performance and a more affordable price point, making it an attractive option for electric car enthusiasts.

Both the C_Two and the Roadster are poised to have a significant impact on the electric vehicle market and drive further innovation in the automotive industry. With their remarkable specs and groundbreaking technology, these electric supercars are setting the stage for a new era of high-performance electric vehicles.

Whether it’s the C_Two’s lightning-fast acceleration or the Roadster’s impressive top speed, these electric supercars are reshaping the future of electric sports cars. As more manufacturers embrace the potential of electric vehicles, we can expect to see even more exciting developments and intense competition in the market.


How fast is the Rimac C_Two?

The Rimac C_Two can go from 0-60 mph in an impressive 1.85 seconds.

How many units of the Rimac C_Two will be produced?

Rimac plans to build 150 units of the C_Two.

What is the top speed of the Tesla Roadster?

The top speed of the Tesla Roadster is over 250 mph.

What is the price of the Tesla Roadster?

The base model of the Tesla Roadster is priced at $200,000 and the Founders’ Series variant is priced at $250,000.

How does the acceleration of the Rimac C_Two compare to the Tesla Roadster?

The Rimac C_Two has a faster 0-60 mph acceleration of 1.85 seconds compared to the Roadster’s 1.9 seconds.

Which car has more horsepower: the Rimac C_Two or the Tesla Roadster?

The Tesla Roadster has more horsepower with 1,887 bhp compared to the Rimac C_Two’s 1,914 hp.

Which car has more torque: the Rimac C_Two or the Tesla Roadster?

The Tesla Roadster has more torque with 10,000 Nm compared to the Rimac C_Two’s 2,300 ft-lbs.

What is the battery size of the Rimac C_Two?

The Rimac C_Two features a 130 kW battery.

What advanced technologies are included in the Rimac C_Two?

The Rimac C_Two includes facial recognition for vehicle access and up to 400 sensors for Level 4 autonomy in the future.

What is the impact of the Rimac C_Two and the Tesla Roadster on the electric vehicle market?

The release of these high-performance electric supercars is set to have a significant impact on the electric vehicle market and the automotive industry as a whole.

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