Understanding NZ’s Most Stolen Cars – A Brief Guide

most stolen cars nz

Car theft is a prevalent issue in New Zealand, with an alarming number of vehicles being stolen each day. To tackle this problem, it is important to understand the most stolen cars in NZ, the regions with the highest theft rates, and the preventive measures car owners can take to protect their vehicles.

Over the last six months, there have been over 5,500 vehicles stolen in New Zealand, averaging 22 cars stolen every day. The most commonly targeted vehicles are family cars such as station wagons, hatchbacks, and saloons. Among the top stolen car brands are Toyota, Nissan, and Mazda.

Key Takeaways:

  • Theft rates in New Zealand are alarming, with an average of 22 cars stolen per day.
  • Family cars like station wagons, hatchbacks, and saloons are the most commonly stolen.
  • Toyota, Nissan, and Mazda are among the top stolen car brands in NZ.

Most Stolen Cars in NZ

When it comes to car theft in New Zealand, certain types of vehicles are more prone to being stolen than others. The most commonly stolen cars in the country include station wagons, trailers, saloons, hatchbacks, and utes. These types of vehicles are often targeted by thieves due to their popularity and ease of resale.

Among the specific car models, the Toyota Hilux, Ford Courier, and Subaru Legacy are the top favorites among car thieves. These models are typically pre-2010, indicating that older cars without advanced security systems are more vulnerable to theft. It’s important for car owners to be aware of the car theft statistics and take appropriate measures to protect their vehicles.

The Most Stolen Cars in NZ

Car Model Brand Year
Toyota Hilux Toyota Pre-2010
Ford Courier Ford Pre-2010
Subaru Legacy Subaru Pre-2010

By being aware of the most stolen cars in New Zealand and taking necessary precautions, car owners can minimize the risk of their vehicles being targeted by thieves. Installing additional security features such as immobilizers and steering locks can serve as effective deterrents. Additionally, parking in well-lit areas and avoiding leaving valuables in the car can also reduce the likelihood of theft.

It’s important to note that car theft is an ongoing issue, and car owners should stay informed about the popular stolen cars in New Zealand. By staying vigilant and implementing appropriate security measures, car owners can better protect their vehicles from potential thieves.

Most Stolen Car Brands in NZ

When it comes to car theft in New Zealand, certain car brands are more frequently targeted by thieves. The most stolen car brands in the country include Toyota, Nissan, Mazda, Ford, and Subaru. These brands dominate the list of stolen cars, with older models being particularly vulnerable to theft.

Car thieves often target older vehicles as they tend to have less sophisticated security systems compared to newer models. This makes them easier targets for theft. It’s crucial for car owners to be aware of the most stolen car brands and take appropriate security measures to protect their vehicles.

Investing in additional security features such as steering locks, immobilizers, and vehicle tracking systems can significantly reduce the risk of car theft. Parking in well-lit areas with surveillance cameras and avoiding leaving valuables in the car are also effective preventive measures.

Most Stolen Car Brands in NZ
1. Toyota
2. Nissan
3. Mazda
4. Ford
5. Subaru

By being proactive and implementing proper car security measures, car owners in New Zealand can significantly reduce the risk of their vehicles being stolen.

Car Theft Rates in New Zealand

In New Zealand, car theft rates have been a concerning issue. According to stolen car reports, Tāmaki Makaurau (Auckland) has witnessed approximately 9,500 reported vehicle thefts in the past year alone. Among the most commonly stolen car models during this period were the Mazda Demio and Nissan Tiida. These models are often targeted due to their lack of factory-fitted immobilizers, making them easier for thieves to snatch.

It is crucial for car owners to be aware of the car theft rates in their area. By staying informed, preventive measures can be taken to reduce the risk of theft. Utilizing effective car security systems, such as steering locks and immobilizers, is highly recommended.

The Importance of Car Security Measures

Ensuring the safety of your vehicle requires proactive steps. By parking in well-lit areas with surveillance cameras, the likelihood of theft can be significantly reduced. Additionally, avoiding leaving valuables in your car and opting for secure garages overnight can further deter potential thieves.

While Auckland experiences the highest car theft rates, other regions, including Christchurch, Wellington, Hamilton, and Lower Hutt, also report significant incidents. Therefore, it is essential for car owners in these areas to exercise extra vigilance and adopt additional precautions to safeguard their vehicles.

Region Car Theft Rates
Auckland 9,500
Lower Hutt

car theft nz

How to Deter Car Thieves

To protect your car from theft, it’s important to take some preventive measures. Here are some effective car security measures to help deter car thieves:

  1. Park in well-lit areas with surveillance cameras: Thieves are less likely to target vehicles in areas with good visibility and security cameras. Choose parking spaces that are well-lit and have surveillance cameras to increase the risk for potential thieves.
  2. Install an immobilizer: An immobilizer is an electronic device that prevents the engine from starting without the correct key or code. It adds an extra layer of security to your car and makes it more difficult for thieves to steal.
  3. Use a steering lock: A steering lock is a visible deterrent that makes it difficult for thieves to steer your car even if they manage to break in. It adds an extra barrier and makes stealing your car more time-consuming and challenging.
  4. Avoid leaving valuables in the car: Leaving valuable items such as laptops, phones, or bags in plain sight inside your car can attract thieves. Always take your belongings with you or store them in the trunk where they are not visible.

Additionally, consider parking in a secure garage overnight to further protect your car from theft. Avoid parking in busy areas where thieves are more likely to target vehicles. By following these car security measures, you can significantly reduce the risk of your car being stolen.

car theft prevention nz

Most Stolen Cars by Region

In New Zealand, car theft rates vary across different regions, with Auckland having the highest number of car thefts. Other regions with notable car theft rates include Christchurch, Wellington, Hamilton, and Lower Hutt.

While the most commonly stolen cars in Auckland are the Mazda Demio and Nissan Tiida, the specific models targeted may vary in other regions. It is crucial for car owners in these areas to be particularly vigilant and take extra precautions to protect their vehicles from theft.

“Auckland has been a hotspot for car theft in recent years, with a high number of reported incidents. It is important for car owners to be aware of the risks in their region and take appropriate security measures to deter thieves.”

– Car Security Expert

Car Theft Hotspots in New Zealand

Here is a table highlighting the most stolen cars by region:

Region Most Stolen Cars
Auckland Mazda Demio, Nissan Tiida
Christchurch Ford Falcon, Toyota Hilux
Wellington Subaru Legacy, Honda Civic
Hamilton Nissan Skyline, Toyota Corolla
Lower Hutt Mazda Familia, Honda Accord

high theft cars nz

It’s essential for car owners to stay informed about the most stolen cars in their region and take the necessary steps to protect their vehicles. This includes utilizing security devices, parking in well-lit areas, and being cautious of where they leave their vehicles unattended.

By remaining vigilant and taking preventive measures, car owners can reduce the risk of falling victim to car theft and keep their vehicles safe.

Odds of Car Theft in New Zealand

When it comes to car theft in New Zealand, the odds can vary depending on the region. Auckland has the highest car theft rate, with approximately 0.21% of vehicles being stolen. This means that for every 1000 cars in Auckland, around 2 are likely to be stolen. Other areas with high theft rates include Christchurch, Wellington, and Hamilton, although at lower percentages.

Understanding these statistics is crucial for car owners, as it allows them to assess the risk and take appropriate security measures. By being aware of the odds in their region, they can make informed decisions about parking locations, installing additional security devices, and being extra cautious with their vehicles.

Car Theft Rates by Region

Region Car Theft Rate
Auckland 0.21%
Christchurch 0.15%
Wellington 0.13%
Hamilton 0.11%

As seen in the table above, the car theft rates in Auckland are significantly higher compared to other regions. This emphasizes the need for car owners in Auckland to be extra vigilant and take proactive measures to protect their vehicles.

While these statistics provide valuable insights, it’s important to remember that car theft can happen anywhere. No matter the region, car owners should always prioritize their vehicle’s security to minimize the risk of theft.

Most Stolen Cars in New Zealand for 2022

In 2022, car theft remains a pressing issue in New Zealand. Several models continue to be prime targets for thieves due to their lack of advanced security features. It is crucial for car owners to stay informed about the most stolen cars and take necessary precautions to safeguard their vehicles.

According to recent data, the Mazda Demio, Mazda Atenza, Nissan Tiida, Subaru Legacy, and Mazda Familia are among the most stolen cars in New Zealand for 2022. These models are particularly vulnerable due to their outdated security systems, making them attractive targets for criminals. Car owners should be vigilant and implement enhanced security measures to protect their vehicles from theft.

To emphasize the importance of taking preventive measures, here is a table showcasing the most stolen cars in New Zealand for 2022:

Make Model
Mazda Demio
Mazda Atenza
Nissan Tiida
Subaru Legacy
Mazda Familia

Car owners should remain cautious and consider implementing additional security measures such as steering wheel locks, car alarms, and GPS tracking systems to deter thieves. By staying proactive and implementing these precautions, car theft incidents can be significantly reduced.

Protecting Your Vehicle

To further protect your vehicle from theft, consider the following tips:

  • Park in well-lit areas with surveillance cameras to deter thieves.
  • Avoid leaving valuables in your car, as this can attract unwanted attention.
  • Invest in an immobilizer or steering wheel lock to make your vehicle less appealing to thieves.
  • Park in secure garages overnight.
  • Stay informed about car theft trends in your region and take appropriate precautions.

By following these preventive measures, car owners can reduce the risk of their vehicles being targeted by thieves and ensure their peace of mind.

Carjacking Risk by Region

When it comes to car theft in New Zealand, the risk of carjacking can vary depending on the region. Auckland, known for its high number of car thefts, also has a higher risk of carjacking compared to other regions such as Wellington and Christchurch. It is essential for car owners to be cautious and take appropriate safety measures to minimize this risk.

Parking your car in well-lit areas with surveillance cameras can act as a deterrent to potential carjackers. Additionally, utilizing security devices such as steering wheel locks and car alarms can make your vehicle less appealing to thieves. Being aware of your surroundings and avoiding isolated locations can also help reduce the risk of carjacking.

It’s crucial for car owners in high-risk areas like Auckland to be extra vigilant. By being proactive and taking necessary precautions, such as utilizing security devices and parking in safe areas, you can decrease the likelihood of falling victim to carjacking. Remember that your safety is paramount, and it’s important to prioritize it when making decisions about where and how to park your vehicle.

Stay Safe: Tips to Minimize Carjacking Risk

  • Park in well-lit areas with surveillance cameras.
  • Use security devices such as steering wheel locks and car alarms.
  • Avoid isolated locations when parking your vehicle.
  • Be aware of your surroundings and trust your instincts.
  • If confronted by a carjacker, prioritize your personal safety and comply with their demands.

Recovered Stolen Vehicles in New Zealand

The issue of car theft in New Zealand is a significant concern for car owners across the country. However, it is important to note that many stolen vehicles are also successfully recovered. It is encouraging to see that certain car models have high recovery rates, which highlights the effectiveness of reporting stolen vehicles and utilizing tracking systems.

One such model is the Mazda Demio, which has a remarkable recovery rate of 94%. Despite being the most stolen car in New Zealand, the majority of these vehicles are eventually recovered, providing some relief to the owners. Additionally, other cars with high recovery rates include the Subaru Legacy and Mazda Atenza, further emphasizing the importance of taking immediate action and reporting the theft to increase the chances of recovery.

Car theft prevention tips are crucial in reducing the risk of vehicle theft. By reporting stolen vehicles and registering them in tracking systems, owners can significantly increase the chances of recovering their vehicles. It is also important to be proactive and take precautionary measures such as using steering locks, installing immobilizers, and parking in well-lit areas with surveillance cameras.

Car Model Recovery Rate
Mazda Demio 94%
Subaru Legacy 87%
Mazda Atenza 83%

While vehicle theft remains a concern, the high recovery rates of certain car models illustrate the effectiveness of efforts to combat car theft. By staying vigilant, employing preventative measures, and promptly reporting any incidents, car owners can actively contribute to reducing car theft rates in New Zealand.


After examining the car theft statistics in New Zealand, it is clear that car theft is a significant issue plaguing the country. Certain models and brands, such as the Mazda Demio, Mazda Atenza, and Nissan Tiida, are more vulnerable to theft due to their lack of advanced security features.

To protect your vehicle from theft, it is crucial to take preventive measures. Investing in security devices like steering locks and immobilizers can act as effective deterrents. Additionally, parking your car in well-lit areas with surveillance cameras and avoiding leaving valuables in the vehicle can significantly reduce the risk of theft.

If your car does get stolen, it is vital to report the theft to the police as soon as possible. Registering your vehicle in tracking systems can also increase the chances of recovery. Remember, being proactive and vigilant is key to preventing car theft and safeguarding your vehicle.


What are the most commonly stolen cars in New Zealand?

The most commonly stolen cars in New Zealand include station wagons, trailers, saloons, hatchbacks, and utes. Some of the top stolen car models are the Toyota Hilux, Ford Courier, and Subaru Legacy.

Which car brands are most frequently stolen in New Zealand?

The top stolen car brands in New Zealand are Toyota, Nissan, Mazda, Ford, and Subaru.

What are the car theft rates in different regions of New Zealand?

Auckland has the highest number of car thefts, followed by cities like Christchurch, Wellington, Hamilton, and Lower Hutt.

How can I deter car thieves?

There are several steps you can take to deter car thieves, such as using a steering lock, installing an immobilizer, parking in well-lit areas with surveillance cameras, and avoiding leaving valuables in your car.

Which are the most stolen cars in New Zealand for 2022?

The most stolen cars in New Zealand for 2022 include the Mazda Demio, Mazda Atenza, Nissan Tiida, Subaru Legacy, and Mazda Familia.

What is the risk of carjacking in different regions of New Zealand?

Auckland has a higher risk of carjacking compared to other regions such as Wellington and Christchurch.

What is the recovery rate for stolen vehicles in New Zealand?

The Mazda Demio has a high recovery rate of 94%, indicating that many stolen vehicles in New Zealand are eventually recovered.

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